Towards the end of the calendar year it will be necessary to prepare a schedule for the next year. This mainly involves a copy of the current year but various points need to be checked before completing the schedule;
• Dates and venues of Mersey competitions i.e. Mersey Shield, Mersey Bowl, Mersey Championship, Ladies Mersey Shield, Team Matches and the Mersey junior competitions
• Dates for Captains and Presidents Competitions to be confirmed with them
• Dates for Mersey Senior Comps, both Gents and Ladies at all clubs
• Alliance Competitions to be held at the club e.g. White Cup
• Open Competitions held at the Club e.g. Seniors Open, Ladies Open, Mixed Open and any competitions the club may have agreed to hold in the year.
• Professional’s Am Am if holding one.
• Major Sporting events e.g. The Open, Ryder Cup, FA Cup Final and the Olympics.
You wouldn’t want to hold a major competition on these days.
• Calendar for the mixed to be included.
• Junior calendar to be included.
• Society dates already agreed for the New Year
Check if any bookings have been taken for large social gatherings, weddings, christenings etc